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Debt Lawsuit Defense

Judgment Lien Release Lawyer In Texas

If you’re like many Texas residents, you didn’t realize a creditor had placed a judgment lien on your house until you tried to sell or refinance. The lien has placed a cloud on the title, so you cannot make real estate transactions. You’re likely worried and frustrated, but there is a solution to this problem. The Ciment Law Firm can obtain a judgment lien release so you can move forward with your transaction. Learn more about the process and call our judgment lien release lawyer in Texas for help.

Reasons to Hire a Texas Judgment Lien Release Lawyer

If you want to remove the lien from your homestead quickly, a lawyer can help. Your judgment lien release lawyer in Texas will:

  • Explain your legal rights
  • Provide the judgment creditor with the paperwork needed for a partial release
  • Go over your options for a full lien release
  • Negotiate a settlement if you want to settle the debt

Dealing With a Cloud Title on Homestead in Texas

Anytime you make a real estate transaction, a title company pulls the title and looks for defects. If defects are found, the transaction is stopped. A judgment lien clouds the title, preventing you from selling or refinancing the property. Once the lien is released from the homestead, the cloud is removed.

Get Legal Help for a Partial Judgment Lien Release in Texas

You can move forward with your real estate transaction quickly by obtaining a partial lien release. This removes the lien from the property without invalidating the judgment against you. Texas law does not allow creditors to prevent consumers from selling their homesteads. Your judgment lien release lawyer in Texas, will send the necessary paperwork to the creditor to release the lien on the homestead. Your attorney can take additional action if the creditor refuses. Generally, a partial release can be obtained in 45 days or less, even if the creditor refuses to comply.

Move Forward With a Full Judgment Lien Release in Texas

Do you want to get rid of the lien in its entirety? If so, you can consider a full judgment lien release. While you can release the lien by paying the balance in full, that’s just one option. Your judgment lien release lawyer in Texas can also work with the creditor to reduce your obligation. Once a settlement is reached, you can finally put the judgment lien behind you.

Contact Our Judgment Lien Release Lawyer in Texas

You don’t have to live with a judgment lien on your homestead. Protect your legal rights with help from a judgment lien release lawyer in Texas. Schedule your free consultation by calling the Ciment Law Firm at 833-686-4344.

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Inaction Can Lead To Judgment Against You

Some debtors choose to ignore a debt collection lawsuit. They don’t feel they have a legal defense, so they don’t respond to the lawsuit. If you don’t respond to the lawsuit, the creditor will not be challenged in court. That means the court might enter a default judgment against you, even if the paperwork contains errors. Hire a debt lawsuit defense lawyer in Texas to defend your case instead.

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